BMP10 Signaling Promotes the Development of Endocardial Cells from Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiovascular Progenitors
•Endocardial cells can be generated from hPSC-derived cardiovascular mesoderm•BMP10 is required for specification and maintenance of human endocardial cells•Human induce a trabecular fate in cardiomyocytes•hPSC-derived generate valvular interstitial-like The embryonic endocardium essential early heart development as it functions to myocardium, the first tissue form, source that make up valves portion coronary vasculature. With this potential, could provide unique therapeutic opportunities include engineering biological cell-based therapy strategies replace vasculature damaged hearts. To access cells, we pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived endothelial population displays many characteristics endocardium, including expression cohort genes identifies lineage vivo, capacity immature cardiomyocytes vitro, ability undergo an endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Analyses signaling pathways identified novel role BMP10 mesoderm. 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عنوان ژورنال: Cell Stem Cell
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['1934-5909', '1875-9777']